Tiens Acupoint combines ancient Traditional Chinese acupuncture therapy with modern electric pulse and magnetic therapy.
The first of its kind in the world and a patented product, this high-tech pocket-sized acupressure device can eliminate or minimize the use of needles in acupuncture.
Simply scroll the pen-like device over your body to channel its powerful magnetic therapy directly to the pain affected area and be pain free in moments.
For enhanced effects, apply the electro-magnetic therapy to the applicable acupressure points.
The Magnetic Jade Accessory has been developed to use together with the Acupoint Treasure to help care for the skin. It forms a convex shaped magnetic field by combining the high-energy magnetic beam of the acupoint presser with the magnetic field of the Magnetic Jade accessory. It will help make your facial skin feel finer and smoother.
Comes with instructional VCD. Other manuals are available.
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The first of its kind in the world and a patented product, this high-tech pocket-sized acupressure device can eliminate or minimize the use of needles in acupuncture.
Simply scroll the pen-like device over your body to channel its powerful magnetic therapy directly to the pain affected area and be pain free in moments.
For enhanced effects, apply the electro-magnetic therapy to the applicable acupressure points.
The Magnetic Jade Accessory has been developed to use together with the Acupoint Treasure to help care for the skin. It forms a convex shaped magnetic field by combining the high-energy magnetic beam of the acupoint presser with the magnetic field of the Magnetic Jade accessory. It will help make your facial skin feel finer and smoother.
Comes with instructional VCD. Other manuals are available.
I. Remember three words :- PSP (Press Scan &Pulse )
1. PRESS:- press the pinpoint of the Acupoint treasure on the pain area
or acupoint.
2. SCAN:- while pressing the acupoint clock wise or counter clock wise ,
and at the same time scanning the acupoints with the magnetic bunch to change
the still magnetism into active magnetism hence it speeds up the flow of blood
&clears the obstruction of the channel .
3. PULSE:- after pressing the acupoint for 2-3 min , pulse can be given
to the points .Before giving electric pulse , install the transmitting stick
into the socket . Ask the person to hold the stick in one hand , keep the
pinpoint on the acupoint and give the pulse. (NOTE: Electric pulse is usually
used for chronic diseases and is not given on all the points)
I. Remember three words :- PSP (Press Scan &Pulse )
1. PRESS:- press the pinpoint of the Acupoint treasure on the pain area
or acupoint.
2. SCAN:- while pressing the acupoint clock wise or counter clock wise ,
and at the same time scanning the acupoints with the magnetic bunch to change
the still magnetism into active magnetism hence it speeds up the flow of blood
&clears the obstruction of the channel .
3. PULSE:- after pressing the acupoint for 2-3 min , pulse can be given
to the points .Before giving electric pulse , install the transmitting stick
into the socket . Ask the person to hold the stick in one hand , keep the
pinpoint on the acupoint and give the pulse. (NOTE: Electric pulse is usually
used for chronic diseases and is not given on all the points)
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